BMX Mongoose Motomag Old School
"BMX is RAD!"

mongoose CHAMBER

mongoose gold spider
Kellogg's mongoose cereal!
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BMX Mongoose

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BMX Links:



vintage mongoose

My RAD Career: the book about RAD by Bill Allen aka Cru Jones!

porkchop bmx



vintage bmx



better bmx

The Bicycle Source


"RAD" the movie: Drinking Game Rules!


the greatest man who ever lived

matt willhelm

how to build a BMX bike

RAD Racing Team

Cycling Links:


Buy BREEZY a beer!

TREK Bicycle Store of Kansas City

Dread Pirates

Cycling Sports Group


Just Keep Pedaling

disraeli gears

The Spokesmen Vintage Bicycle Club

Stolen Bicycle Registry

Other Links: 🌻 Learn Math and Music!

🎼 Learning Games for Music

🍎 Barn Math!

Artist, Paul Seiwald

Paul Seiwald

Beat the health out of you!

Midwest Rock Lobster

Tomato Town: Leawood, Johnson County, Lenexa, Olathe, Shawnee, Merriam KS, Independence, Kansas City, KCMO


Funny Cartoon

myspace editor


who wants to ride with us?

Bike MS "Dread Pirates 2011!"
To err is human, to arr is pirate.
"Dread Pirates" 2011!

Sponsored by:
"Anybody want a peanut?" - Fezzik

Bike MS "Dread Pirates!"
"We want your booty!"

Bike MS 2012 map - 109 miles (175 km)!

If you'd like to be on board for this year's ride (Sept. 22, 2012), contact Cap'n Jennifer!

You don't have to be Lance Armstrong to ride Bike MS - there are 3 routes to choose from: 38 miles, 78 miles and 109 miles. Either way, it's a good idea to start training in the spring or else you could be sore and miserable for the actual ride. We have training rides almost every Monday at 6pm in Shawnee, Kansas.

Be safe and get a helmet! I wish it weren't true but cycling can be dangerous which is why training with us will help you learn how to ride safely in a group and what to watch out for (lot's of crazy stuff to watch out for on KC roads, unfortunately).

If you're interested, feel free to contact me or Cap'n Jennifer, it's for a great cause, it's a lot of fun and we'd love to have you on our team!

The Princess Bride Cycling Bicycles Bikes BMX Mongoose

"I *am* the Brute Squad." - Fezzik

BMX Mongoose